History of LaurasExtensions

We started styling hair a long time ago…

Hair extensions feeling more like a puzzle than a treat? We get it! Clip-ins, tape-ins, wefts – the options can seriously make your head spin.

That’s why we created Laura’s Extensions: to be your no-nonsense resource and shop to help you find the hair of your dreams. It’s all about factors like your hair type, budget, how easy they are to use, and how long they’ll last.

We consider the whole picture: the texture, how natural they look, shedding…we don’t miss a thing. Our goal is simple – to give you the knowledge to confidently choose the extensions you’ll adore. And here’s the best part: we have zero brand affiliations. The only person we’re loyal to is YOU, our reader. All our reviews and advice? That’s based on our own hands-on testing and real feedback from people just like you.

Get ready, because we have a whole lot more coming your way!

A promise from all of us to you

Think easy-to-follow hair extension care guides, styling ideas galore, the lowdown on every application method you can imagine, and reviews on all the latest products.

Make sure to hit that subscribe button on our email list, so you never miss a thing! We’re so excited to help you discover your dream hair! Got a question about finding the perfect match for you?

Don’t hesitate to ask – we love offering advice tailored to your specific hair type and needs. Time to find that hair magic!




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